Saturday, October 27, 2012

Week 1 Individual Blog Task

Describe your thoughts on media use.

I find that media usage is a necessity in this technology-driven era. The way the world is constantly developing through the usage of media has led to many new possibilities and has definitely changed a lot of the society’s lifestyle.  Everything we do these days involves some sort of media usage, whether it’d be digital media or print media or even social media.

Not only does media benefits and improves the country’s economic system, it is also very useful to the society. For instance, with the new and improved technology we have right now, people are able to stay in contact with their loved ones through one of the media form called the internet. People no longer have to use old media methods like writing letters which we all know will take a much longer time to reach the receiver compared to sending an email. With that said, people are now able to get instant replies through the usage of media, which is what people seek for nowadays. Other than that, media usage such as web usage is constantly changing daily life from cell phone use to broadband and wireless internet access to forms of online expression such as blogs and podcast.

More and more people are depending on social media to communicate with others around the world. Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube are essentially tools which are used by folks to communicate with each other. Of course, since they’re social media it’s possible to do much more in terms of social interactions as well. For example, many companies are now using social media sites like these to promote their brands to the society. Because people are spending so much of their time on these sites, companies decided to strategically use it to their advantage.

With that being said, misused of media or over usage on a specific media can bring negative effects to everyone. For example the most common one is social media. People nowadays are so dependent with their gadgets because of their obsession with social media, it may take a toll on their lives. Other than that, I find that social media can also influence or manipulate the society’s perspective on many things, such as the definition of beauty, education or even life itself if media was misused.

So basically, we need to know how to balance or control our usage of media in a more meaningful way in order to have a better outcome in life. Last but not least, I believed that without the usage of media, countries would very much be undeveloped and be in recession.

Week 1 Task

Define the terms:

1. Cross disciplinary: An education; linking two or more fields of study.
Retrieved source date: 27 Oct 2012

2. Inter disciplinary: Involving two or more academic, scientific, or artistic disciplines.
Retrieved source date: 27 Oct 2012

3. Trans disciplinary: Describing a study which runs across traditional subject boundaries such as arts and science.
Retrieved source date: 27 Oct 2012

4. Qualitative research: Qualitative researchers study things in their natural settings, attempting to make sense of, or to interpret, phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them (Denzin 1994).
Retrieved source date: 27 Oct 2012

5. Ethnographic studies/research: The observation of and interaction with persons or a group being studied in the group's own environment, often for long periods of time.
Retrieved source date: 27 Oct 2012

Mini Intro

Well hello there~ I'm Camille, 20 and currently studying in Multimedia University(MMU) Cyberjaya, majoring in animation. This blog was purely created for one of my subject I'm currently taking, Media Anthropology, thus the title. 

It will be a weekly journal update about topics mostly relating to the subject, as well as weekly tasks given to us to accomplish.